Strategic Planning
You need a plan—whether you’re growing, stuck, or slipping backward. CO2’s time-tested strategic planning methods help teams co-create a concise plan that outlines operating values, vision, mission, key value disciplines, objectives, strategies, actions, and projects. Every plan is attainable and motivating. Teams leave with clarity and alignment. Strategic planning helps everyone work together to make it to the top.


CO2 works with leadership teams to see around corners and move ahead toward a common vision. Our strategic planning facilitators provide fresh insights and catalytic questions within a thorough and disciplined process. Clients benefit from an approach that has been proven to help firms reach their goals — year-after-year. We work to help you delight your customers and frustrate competitors. To talk with our Strategic Planning Practice Lead, John Sandahl, send a message here. John has worked with dozens of leadership teams to reach their next peak.

Navigate your most challenging climbs

At CO2 Coaching, we work with businesses leaders and organizations to transform themselves, their teams, and their business—and support them every step of the way.

Value Discipline at CO2 Coaching

Selecting Value Discipline

Value discipline is a strategic approach that helps companies define how they deliver unique value to their customers. There are three primary disciplines: Operational Excellence (efficiency and reliability), Product Leadership (innovation and cutting-edge offerings), and Customer Intimacy (personalized service and deep customer understanding). Choosing a value discipline shapes a company’s operations, culture, and strategy, driving its path to market leadership.

Setting Objectives

Setting Objectives

Setting objectives is about defining clear, measurable goals that align with a company’s vision and mission. These objectives guide the organization’s direction, help focus efforts, and allocate resources effectively. They also provide a framework for tracking progress and adjusting strategies as needed to stay aligned with market demands

Value Discipline at CO2 Coaching

Setting Strategy

Strategies are the detailed plans an organization creates to achieve its objectives and fulfill its mission. They outline the actions, initiatives, and resources needed to navigate competition, seize opportunities, and overcome challenges. These strategies guide long-term success by positioning the company in the market, differentiating it from competitors, and creating value for stakeholders.


Setting Actions

Actions are the specific steps an organization takes to implement its strategies and achieve its objectives. These operational tasks define who will do what, by when, and with which resources. By translating broader goals into concrete actions, organizations ensure coordinated, measurable progress toward their mission and vision.

We’re with you every step of the climb


Reach out to discuss your current approach to strategic planning. We’re happy to share what works.


Values, vision and mission are the foundation of our strategic planning process. Together these three guideposts form your purpose. Values identify what matters, helping everyone make wise decisions quickly. Your vision communicates where you are going, the mountain you’re climbing. Your mission is the beating heart of your organization, explaining why your company exists. Company purpose is revisited every year during CO2 strategic planning.



Strategic planning raises all manner of issues to the surface so they can be addressed in the room with everyone particpating. Since a plan is only as good as the team that follows it, the topics below are frequently addressed in CO2 Strategic Planning:


Lack of Direction and Purpose

A scattered approach to growth due to pursuing short-term opportunities without alignment to core values or long-term vision.

Anticipated Outcomes With Intervention:

Clarifies organizational purpose and vision, ensuring all efforts are aligned and contribute to long-term goals.

Resource Misallocation

Investing resources in projects that offer immediate gratification rather than those contributing to sustainable development.

Anticipated Outcomes With Intervention:

Ensures efficient allocation of resources towards initiatives that align with strategic priorities and sustainable growth.

Burnout and Culture Strain

Intense pressure on individuals leading to burnout and a culture that neglects collaborative and supportive environments.

Anticipated Outcomes With Intervention:

Fosters a supportive culture that values collaboration and well-being, enhancing team cohesion and morale.

Difficulty Adapting to Change

A focus on exploiting existing opportunities without strategic foresight to anticipate and adapt to market shifts or technological advancements.

Anticipated Outcomes with Interventions:

Enhances organizational agility and resilience, enabling effective adaptation to changes and fostering innovation.

Neglecting Ethical Considerations

Overlooking the ethical implications of decisions, leading to unsustainable or socially irresponsible practices.

Anticipated Outcomes with Interventions:

Integrates ethical considerations into decision-making processes, promoting sustainable and socially responsible growth.

Strategic Misalignment

Actions and decisions at various levels of the organization may not be aligned, leading to conflicting priorities and efforts that pull the organization in different directions.

Anticipated Outcomes from Team Coaching:

Aligns the entire organization towards common goals and priorities, ensuring that all departments and teams work cohesively towards the same objectives.

Ineffective Communication

Without a clear strategy, communicating the organization’s vision, goals, and priorities to stakeholders, both internal and external, can be challenging, leading to confusion and misinterpretation.

Anticipated Outcomes with Interventions:

Enhances clarity and consistency in messaging, ensuring that all stakeholders understand the organization’s direction and how they contribute to its success.

Inability to Measure Success

Without clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) outlined in a strategic plan, measuring progress, success, or identifying areas for improvement becomes difficult.

Anticipated Outcomes with Interventions:

Establishes clear metrics for success, enabling the organization to track progress, make informed decisions, and adapt strategies as needed.

Talent Retention and Attraction

Talented individuals seek organizations with clear visions, growth opportunities, and values they can align with. A lack of strategic direction can make it hard to attract and retain top talent.

Anticipated Outcomes with Interventions:

Communicates a compelling vision and clear path for growth, making the organization more attractive to current and potential employees.

Innovation Stagnation

Focusing solely on current success without a plan for future growth can lead to stagnation, where innovation is not prioritized or fostered.

Anticipated Outcomes with Interventions:

Encourages a culture of innovation by setting clear objectives for growth and improvement, fostering an environment where new ideas are valued and pursued.