High potential future leaders work to complete an important company project with CO2 Group Coaching. This program has three benefits: (1) Future leaders hone leadership and teamwork skills; (2) Cross-functional bonds are created across your organization; (3) An important project is completed. Groups of 5-10 managers or directors enter this 12-month program. Some companies have several cohorts at once. Groups turn into accomplished teams over the course of the year.


CO2’s ASCENT group coaching framework orients future leaders through this transformative experience. ASCENT focuses on purpose, people, systems, culture, strategy and execution. When this model is used by CO2’s skilled coaches, your organization will achieve measurable results. Here’s how the Group Coaching journey begins and proceeds:

  1. Pre-Work Preparation: Before the journey begins, leaders set clear intentions and align objectives. This includes identifying the organizational challenge(s) being addressed. Pre-work ensures that everyone is well oriented and equipped for the Ascent.
  2. Welcome & Orientation: In the foundational session, leaders gather for an introduction to the Ascent journey. Similar to gathering at basecamp, this step establishes expectations, builds a shared vision, and introduces core principles that guide the transformation.
  3. The Ascent Group Coaching Cohort Learning: During the Ascent, CO2 Coaches meet monthly with the cohort to help transform future leaders by helping them develop the skills, self-awareness, and perspective needed to unlock their full potential. These sessions include a mix of partner, one-on-one and full group work and include elements of training, coaching and practice to build the individual leaders’ toolkit and competency.

We’re with you every step of the climb


The ASCENT model below acts as a compass across the year, orienting teams as they stretch their capabilities while keeping them on track to reach new peaks. Participants will begin as group members and finish the year as teammates — creating a lasting legacy in your company that will ripple outward and onward. To talk with our Group Coaching Practice Lead, John Sandahl, send a message here. John has worked with dozens of groups to implement special projects. He also trains group coaches.

Ascent Group Coaching


Achieve Extraordinary Impact

CO2 Group Coaching ensures extraordinary success by helping teams of emerging leaders win on whatever field they’re playing on. Whether it’s growing the business, expanding margins, entering new markets, reducing costs, or evolving organizational structures, we tailor our approach to meet your specific goals.

Managing Through Complexity

In a complex and ever-changing world, we equip emerging leaders with the mental models needed to take decisive action. By fostering insights and adaptability, we help them approach problem-solving with confidence amid uncertainty.

Transitioning from Doing to Leading

Getting things done is the typical focus at the start of a career. As individual contributors progress into leadership roles, success hinges on the ability to make sure the right things get done through teamwork. We help effective doers become excellent leaders, capable of achievements bigger than themselves

Aligning Teams

Teamwork requires a common mission,vision and values. We help teams find their flow, motivated by a shared purpose and working synchronously toward an outcome that can only be achieved together.

Creating Transformation That Cascades

When leaders inspire and engage their teams, those teams go on to do the same. We help leaders become an example of the change they want to see in their teams, their organization, and the greater world. We make transformation personal and systemic.



Finding Belonging

New leaders can be lonely. We offer leaders a coach in their corner, a trusted and neutral partner whom they can safely and authentically express their vulnerability, voice their concerns, bounce ideas, ask questions out loud, and explore new ways to show up as a leader. 

Balancing the Ridge Line

Emerging leaders often find themselves walking a ridge — on one side there is humility and empathy, with ego on the other side. We help emerging leaders walk this ridge. Our coaches inspire self-authorship, encouraging leaders to trust their voice, feel comfortable in their decisions, and have the confidence to follow their instincts, without losing regard for others.

Strengthening Bonds

We strengthen the relationships between group members by building trust and support among them. We instill cultures of mutual respect and communication to improve interactions between co-workers.

Expanding Perspectives

Now one climbing a mountain can see the whole path. We help leaders see things in new ways by expanding their awareness of purpose, culture, people, execution, systems and strategy and the many ways they interconnect.

Deepening Self-Awareness

To lead effectively, you must first know yourself. We help leaders become more aware of themselves: their strengths, their biases, their blind spots; how they show up, how they impact others, and how their individual efforts connect to the greater whole.


Talk with a group coach about ways your future leaders can benefit your company today.

ascent Group Coaching process


This domain encourages climbers to delve deep into the ‘why’ behind their climb. It’s about understanding and aligning with a purpose that transcends individual goals, fostering a sense of greater meaning and direction in leadership and organizational endeavors.


Focuses on the heart of any organization – its people. This stage explores the dynamics of human behavior, relationships, and effective communication. It’s where climbers learn to navigate the complexities of team interactions with empathy, integrity, and trust.


Here, climbers explore the shared assumptions and behaviors that define their organization. It’s a deep dive into how culture influences perceptions, actions, and outcomes. This domain underscores the importance of a cohesive culture in achieving collective success.


Strategy is the compass that guides climbers through the uncertain terrain of business landscapes. This stage equips leaders with the insights and tools needed to craft visionary strategies that are both agile and robust, ensuring the organization’s direction aligns with its overarching goals.


The crux of the ascent, where plans are put into action. Execution focuses on the practical aspects of bringing strategies to life, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, resourcefulness, and perseverance in overcoming obstacles and achieving objectives.


This domain examines the structures and processes that underpin organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Climbers learn to optimize systems for peak performance, ensuring that the organization’s machinery works seamlessly towards common goals.

group coaching FAQs

How Can Group Coaching Help?

Imagine group coaching as embarking on a mountain climbing expedition where, instead of solitary conquests, you’re part of a vibrant team of climbers. Each person is strapped with a backpack filled not with gear, but with rich insights, personal triumphs, and the kind of wisdom that isn’t just stumbled upon during a casual hike.

It’s a Trail Mix of Ideas

Gather around the campfire with adventurers from every corner of the professional wilderness. As stories and strategies are exchanged under the starlit sky, you’re not merely absorbing wisdom from a seasoned guide; you’re feasting on a smorgasbord of perspectives that challenge you to scale even greater heights and navigate through uncharted terrains.

Your Personal Mountain Guide

There’s a certain spark that ignites when climbing in a pack. Maybe it’s the shared energy or the collective resolve that whispers, “We’re in this together.” Suddenly, your personal ascent isn’t just your own; it’s a collective endeavor where every encouragement is a gust of wind beneath your wings, propelling you to venture higher and dig deeper into your reservoir of grit.

The Echo of Feedback

In the vastness of the mountain range, every shout, every piece of advice, echoes back with clarity. It’s a dance of give-and-take where the reflection isn’t just of your outward journey but of the soul’s terrain. It’s dramatic, yes, but in the drama lies the transformation.

Networking on the Ropes

Forget the conventional, awkward networking in stuffy conference rooms. Here, in the open expanse of group coaching, connections are forged on the ropes that bind you, tested by the elements. These are the companions who’ve witnessed your struggles and triumphs firsthand. It’s networking that’s as heartfelt as it is professional, possibly leading to future collaborations or even friendships that last a lifetime.

The Value Pack

Here’s where we talk brass tacks. Group coaching is like accessing an all-you-can-eat buffet of premium coaching goodness at the price of an appetizer. You get the full spread—the guidance, the support, the aha-moments—without the hefty price tag.

Leadership Skills, Amplified

Navigating through the dynamics of a group sharpens leadership skills like nothing else. It’s about finding your footing and your voice amidst a chorus of others, learning to lead not just from the front but from within. It’s leadership skills amplified, with every step up the mountain.

The Empathy Trek

Walking a mile in another’s hiking boots takes on new meaning in group coaching. You’re not merely a spectator; you’re an active participant in a journey of shared stories and shared struggles, which amplifies your empathy and self-awareness to new altitudes.

A Safety Net of Support

The path to personal and professional growth is littered with obstacles, but in group coaching, every slip, every triumph, is a shared experience. This collective journey crafts a net of support that’s ready to catch you when you falter and cheer you on when you leap.

The Ripple Across the Ranges

The true beauty of group coaching is in its expansive impact. As you transform, so does your immediate team, your organization, and perhaps even beyond. It’s a change that ripples across the professional landscape, creating waves of positive shifts in its wake.

The Transformation Base Camp

In the lore of climbers, there’s a saying about the power of the collective. In group coaching, it’s the shared experiences, the communal reflections, and discussions that solidify change, ensuring the transformation is as enduring as the mountains themselves.

In essence, group coaching is about showing up as your true, unfiltered self, embracing every exhilarating step of the climb, surrounded by a band of like-minded climbers all rooting for each other’s success. It’s about scaling not just the career ladder but expanding the vistas of your potential, together. And that, dear climbers, is an expedition worth embarking on.

Is Group Coaching Worth It?

Let’s meander through that question with a little storytime, shall we?

Picture this: You’re standing at the base of a magnificent mountain, the peak of which is shrouded in a tantalizing mist. It’s breathtaking, it’s intimidating, and it’s beckoning you. Solo, this climb might seem insurmountable, a feat reserved for the rugged individualists of the world. But what if you weren’t alone? What if you had a band of fellow climbers by your side, each with their own stories, wisdom, and snacks (because, let’s face it, snacks are important)?

Here’s where group coaching swings open the gate to a garden of possibilities. It’s like deciding to climb that mountain not just with any group but with a cadre of individuals who, like you, are intent on reaching new heights, exploring new paths, and, yes, sharing their snacks.

The Shared Journey

In the realm of personal and professional development, the path we walk is often winding and steep. Group coaching plants signposts along that path, offering guidance, support, and the kind of camaraderie that lights up even the most shadowed trails. It’s the difference between trekking solo with a flashlight and marching forward with a team, each person holding a lantern. Suddenly, the way ahead isn’t so daunting.

The Echo Chamber (But the Good Kind)

Ever shouted into a canyon just to hear your echo? Group coaching offers a similar echo, but instead of your voice bouncing back, it’s your ideas, challenges, and victories. It’s a space where the echoes form a symphony of shared experiences, amplifying the learning in ways you might never have imagined solo.

The Cost-Benefit Tango

Let’s tango with the numbers for a moment. Group coaching often comes with a price tag that’s more a gentle tap on the wallet than a full-on plunder. When you weigh the wealth of insights, the depth of connections, and the breadth of learning against the cost, the scales tip decidedly in favor of “worth it.”

The Growth Greenhouse

Imagine each group coaching session as a greenhouse. Inside, your personal growth isn’t just sprouting; it’s flourishing, fed by the sunlight of collective wisdom and watered by the insights of your peers. This greenhouse effect accelerates growth, turning buds of potential into full-blown blooms of achievement.

The Networking Nectar

In the garden of group coaching, networking is the nectar that attracts the bees. It’s where professional connections are pollinated, not in the sterile corridors of industry events but in the fertile fields of mutual growth and shared aspirations.

The Ripple Effect

Drop a pebble into a pond, and the ripples reach far beyond the initial splash. Group coaching is that pebble, and the transformation it sparks in you ripples out to touch your team, your organization, and even your broader network. It’s change that cascades, creating waves of impact that extend well beyond the coaching sessions themselves.

So, is group coaching worth it? If you’re yearning for a journey that’s about scaling new heights, discovering paths less traveled, and doing so with a band of fellow explorers eager to share their maps and, importantly, their snacks—then yes, group coaching is not just worth it; it’s a treasure trove of growth, connection, and adventure. And that, dear climbers, is priceless.

Can Group Coaching Be Done Remotely?

Absolutely. Our coaches work with you just as effectively remotely as they would in person, so that your coaching schedule always fits into the rest of your schedule.

What Kind of Support Is Provided Outside of My Group Coaching Sessions?

CO2 Coaching offers online training that aligns with your in-person sessions, so you can log into our portal and dig deeper whenever you have the time.

What Sets CO2's Group Coaching Apart From Other Coaching Services?

CO2’s group coaching embodies a journey towards elevation, uniquely blending personal and systemic transformation. Unlike conventional coaching, our approach, grounded in the Ascent Training Model, fosters an environment where leaders not only reach their next peak but also elevate their teams and organizations in the process. This systemic impact ensures that growth is not isolated but cascades, embodying our belief that leadership is about elevating others as much as oneself.

How Does Group Coaching Facilitate Personal and Professional Development?

Our group coaching is akin to a collective ascent. It’s designed to expand your horizon, pushing you to explore new perspectives, embrace change, and unlock your full potential. Through shared experiences and reflections, leaders learn not just to navigate their own challenges but also to inspire and guide their teams towards systemic transformation, embodying the ethos of continuous growth and development.

How Does CO2 Ensure the Relevance of the Group Coaching Experience?

Our coaching methodology is deeply personalized, recognizing that each leader’s journey is unique. Through initial assessments and ongoing engagements, we tailor the coaching experience to meet the specific needs, challenges, and aspirations of each participant. This bespoke approach ensures that every leader finds value, relevance, and meaning in their journey towards elevation.

What's the Typical Duration and Structure of the Group Coaching Program?

The expedition is neither a sprint nor a marathon—it’s a meticulously planned ascent. Spanning one day a month for a year. The program is structured to allow deep dives into leadership and organizational transformation. Each session is designed to maximize learning, engagement, and reflection, providing a balanced rhythm between climbing and contemplating, ensuring that leaders are equipped for both the immediate and the long-term journey ahead.

Envision Your Emerging Leaders Ascent

Talk with an ASCENT Group Coaching facilitator about your emerging leaders and potential cross-functional projects for them.