Suit-able Leadership
Your wife says your wardrobe is handicapping you professionally. You respond by finding a wardrobe consultant. He eyes your wide-lapel suit and room-for-two pleated pants and says, “Listen, Italian would be perfect!”
What does that mean? It means he loves Italian.
But do you–or could you? If you prefer to wear socks and pants that cover your ankles, and are not keen on wearing scarves, your answer is no.
Leaders are wise to seek and take advice from professional advisors, but they must beware of advice that doesn’t feel right for them. That sort of advice leads to inauthentic leadership.
Hire advisors who present you with options and say, “Never mind what I think. What feels right to you?”
At CO2 Partners, we don’t preach and prescribe one approach. We help clients find strategies and techniques that suit them.