When you are considering how to face a challenge regarding ethics in the workplace, don’t start with the bullies! They may be too far gone to soften their mental biases towards manipulation, power struggles, and politics. Start with those in the middle and those who sit on the sideline that have not found their voice. As a leader you have to wonder why they don’t speak up when they see value conflicts happening and don’t give voice to truth. Stop looking at them and start looking at yourself! What are you doing or not doing that prevents them from finding their voice? How is it that they feel incapable of leading? What cultural rules, myths, or stories are being perpetuated that silences the truth? What might you be afraid of that is preventing you from allowing openness in your organization?
You are the leader, and you either align, engage, and build accountability within your team to develop others as leaders or you don’t. How are you going to show up today?