On Friday, my wife woke the girls and me up at 4:30 am! This is not an unusual time for her to awake, but it is about two hours early for the rest of the family. She flipped on the TV in our master bedroom and made us tea and crumpets. She decided to make the Royal Wedding an impromptu celebration in our house. We all got into the spirit of it, talking about the different bonnets the ladies were wearing and, of course, commenting on Lady Kate’s lovely dress and her “wow”-inducing bridesmaid dress. I think if that were the normal bridesmaid dress, they would never have been able to make the movie 27 Dresses.
The point: It does not take much to make a celebration; it only takes the inclination!
Later that morning, I visited my good friends, John Folkestad and Amy Langer, who own SALO, a financial staffing firm. They are frequently recognized as one of the Best Places to Work in the Twin Cities. They were having their own Royal Wedding Celebration and everyone was dressed to the NINES. It was also an opportunity to have a second helping of tea and crumpets! And for those of us who came without head wear, hats were furnished. Luckily, Amy gave me a heads-up about the event so I could adorn myself with British Burberry plaid.
Those two mini celebrations will make the memory of the Royal Wedding stand out for me in the years ahead. What are you doing to make memories for your people, your family, your community?