HALT! Stop speaking and start eating!

December 5, 2011

Don’t speak if you are hungry, Angry, lonely, or tired!

Executive Coaching clients seek wisdom that is memorable and easy to implement. Sometimes that wisdom is geared toward actions they, as leaders, can and should take; other times it’s toward actions they shouldn’t take. HALT falls in the latter category.  I learned it from Dr. Faron Hollinger, a former School Superintendent from Alabama and now a Board Chair for Board of School Superintendents. Dr. Hollinger recommends that leaders not say anything if they are:





If you’re hungry, angry, lonely, and/or tired, you’re not in a good position to lead others. You’re likely to make decisions or comments that you later regret–especially if you’re speaking in front of reporters, other leaders, easily influenced coworkers, or large groups. You can’t un-say these words and withdraw their effect on others.

If you’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, HALT! Before you say or do something you might later regret, eat some food, cool down, find good company, and/or get some rest.

Related Posts: WAIT!; Listen Like An Artist; Listening: A Way Different Way To Listen

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